Oprah Gets No R.E.S.P.E.C.T. From Aretha Franklin

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Oprah Gets No R.E.S.P.E.C.T. From Aretha Franklin

Commentary: See the article about how Oprah was shunned in favor of Wendy Williams. I think Aretha chose Wendy to give her a chance. I don't remember seeing Aretha on the Oprah show in the past, but I think Aretha made a good decision choosing Wendy. Oprah has been number one for a very long time. People seem to love the Oprah Show. Now she has a new show called the Oprah Winfrey Network. I don't know why she's leaving her old show. Maybe she needs time and space for bigger and better works. According to the news, the Oprah Network has poor ratings.

I am beginning to see that there are some people that do not like Oprah anymore. I have nothing against her, but I wish that she would acknowledge God and his jealousy. God is jealous for the fact that serving other gods will make us do wrong. God made Oprah and Oprah did not make herself. Self will fail you with no God to guide and bless you. That is why it is important to serve him.  It has been God that has kept Oprah alive to live to see her big success. Satan's jealousy would have never done such a thing. He doesn't want Oprah to make it or to see her higher than him. She could have been dead sleeping in her grave. God is a good God. It was God that has blessed Oprah through all of her trials and tribulations. Maybe she should turn around and thank him before she goes any further. I hope and pray that she will continue to be successful.


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